Firebot Simulation

An optional assignment for my Intro to Programming course at the University of Sydney.

Firebot was the final assignment of the course where a simulated, controlled incineration of bushland needed to be implemented in the programming language of choice - in this case: Python. The assignment briefing is as follows.

Inland Northwest National Wildlife Refuge Fire Management staff conducted a fifty-acre prescribed fire at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge earlier this spring.
For this assignment, you will write a simulation of a controlled burn. Trees of various heights are scattered throughout a region of land, and fires are started at particular locations. As each day passes, the fires spread to neighbouring trees. Once the fires have fulfilled their purpose, they are extinguished.

It was a much more difficult task than the previous assignment where we had to create a simple text-based game. Although not focused upon in this course, basic knowledge of object-oriented programming was needed to successfully meet the project brief.

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